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Connie 的評分: 0 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-29 10:56 來自香港Connie有以下留言:

Old Dreamer,

I've the habit to share my travelling during the trip by sending emails to my friends. Would you like to give me your email?


Connie 的評分: 0 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-23 19:07 來自香港Connie有以下留言:

oh, sorry to correct my information again.

3-1/2 hrs from Dailian to Yantai 煙臺 to visit 蓬萊, then another 3 hrs to Qingdao by bus or train.

Connie 的評分: 0 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-23 19:03 來自香港Connie有以下留言:

right, the tkt was discounted already.

u got the right location of 大連, i only need to take an express boat for 3 and a half hour to 青島.

Khajuraho is a very rarely peaceful village which is located near Varanasi & 13 hrs by bus to Agara. The temples were built 3000 yrs ago, but kept very well, those erotic scupltures are still in very elegant shapes. Highly recommend to take a visit.

Udipur is another small peaceful town, very good to take a relax there coz a lot of places in India are crowd and noisy.

I visited there in Sept, 2000 for a whole month.

There are still a lot of other places in India that I like to visit too. Full of excitments!

章魚 的評分: 1 (章魚 的個人網頁)

2004-03-22 21:27 來自香港章魚有以下留言:

差差差差差差 ,好差

Connie 的評分: 0 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-22 10:53 來自香港Connie有以下留言:

Old Dreamer,

I've bought the airtkt from Shenzhen to 大連 HK$1.2K on the early morning of 4 April & back from 青島 to Shenzhen HK$1K on the night of 12 April for the 9 days trip alone.

A little sharing on my India trip:

My route was as follows:
Pokara of Nepal -> Varanassi -> Kajuraho (valuable to take a visit) -> Agara -> Jaipur -> Udipur -> Delhi -> Calcutta (cheap to buy airtkt there back to -> HK

* Those Indian people deal with tourists tried to take our $ from our pocket by every means (the train tkt seller, even the children to be our guide).

* Train always delay for several hrs & you only be able to know which platform that the train will stop until the very last moment. Therefore, I chose to take long-distance bus.

* Another end of the ghats (much much quiet, spacious than the other end) of Varnassi. You will be able to enjoy delicious & cheap pizza in the open garden in front of the river.


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-23 14:00 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

I think your tickets are discounted. Is 大連 located at the opposite side of 黃海 or 渤海? You need another flight to 青島?

Thanks for your sharing. I never heard about Kajuraho. How is it? Also what season did you go? How long was your trip?

Connie 的評分: 0 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-23 14:02 來自香港Connie有以下回應:

to make the correction:

buy airtkt from Delhi's guest house for the flight from Calcutta back to HK.

xxx 的評分: 5 (xxx 的個人網頁)

2004-03-18 20:21 來自天涯某處xxx有以下留言:


Connie 的評分: 0 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-12 14:48 來自香港Connie有以下留言:

Old Dreamer,

I don't know when will I finish my website coz I did not work on it anymore for more than half a yr. already.


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-14 11:30 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

There is a positive feedback from a reader in my Nepal guest book. Have you see that? So you should not give up!

Don't too ambitious for the first time and starts small. I made this mistake initially. Otherwise, my first web site would be Xinjiang instead of Sabah.

My Sabah site was completed in around one month of part time work. After you become familiar, it will be much faster. In fact, this Thailand site was completed in just eight days (exclude the travelogue writings, which was completed after my trip).

Connie 的評分: 0 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-14 14:26 來自香港Connie有以下回應:

Thank you! 萬事起頭難, 又缺了堅持!

Connie 的評分: 5 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-11 01:23 來自香港Connie有以下留言:

Old dreamer,

I do love to share very much! Otherwise I won't spend time in working my website. There are a lot, a lot I want to share. All the memories were so fresh no matter how many years they were.

India is so big & there are a lot of interesting places worthy to take a visit. A country with so many many different feeling for you to appreciate & be sad too.

Shall I talk more next time?


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-11 18:07 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Thanks. I've visited your web pages. It is a good start and please keep on.

If you'll put your sharing to your web site soon, maybe it is worthless to waste your time and effort to repeat here. I'll just look forward to seeing your completed web site.

P.S. Sorry that I've deleted your posting on your web pages on this guest book because they are not related to Thailand. I don't want others have a mis-conception that they can post unrelated advertisement here. It is ok for your postings on my other guest books as they are related to the subject.

Connie 的評分: 0 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-09 23:44 來自香港Connie有以下留言:

stayed at hk for the lunar new yr coz don't want to spend too much, but really want to take a trip very very much!

9 days off in the coming Easter, looking for cheap traveling again coz plan to have another trip to Canada later this yr.

still waiting for the cheap airtkt either from Shenzhen/Guangzhou to 東北三省/青島/華東. first time to go alone as a 小個子, 小女子, excited & frighten too, any comment?

India trip was so exciting to me though a lot of annoyance from the Indians, the memory was extremely strong and full of stimulations. agree? i still haven't finish the website.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-10 13:50 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:





Connie 的評分: 5 (Connie 的個人網頁)

2004-03-09 01:11 來自香港Connie有以下留言:

Old Dreamer,

When will you start to work the website of India?

Any place to visit in Easter?


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-09 14:21 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

God knows! I still have a long queue. Maybe I'll visit India again some day and make the site that time, just like my Latin America site.

I probably will have a trip after Easter, but don't fix where to go yet. Do you have any travel plan? Where did you go finally in the last Lunar New Year?

官官雎鳩 的評分: 4 (官官雎鳩 的個人網頁)

2004-03-04 12:15 來自台灣官官雎鳩有以下留言:

但是聽說7-8月是雨季 且若遇大雨 可能會道路癱瘓
不知道 這消息是真的嗎

唉 真不知該不該冒著風險說

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-03-04 13:09 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:



鄭永忠 的評分: 0 (鄭永忠 的個人網頁)

2004-02-27 14:40 來自馬來西亞鄭永忠有以下留言:



鄭永忠 的評分: 0 (鄭永忠 的個人網頁)

2004-02-26 17:51 寫上來自馬來西亞鄭永忠有以下留言:




地址是:21, Jalan Manau, off Jalan Kampung Attap
50460 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

傳真: 60-3-22741115



<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-27 09:36 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


莊秀羣 的評分: 5 (莊秀羣 的個人網頁)

2005-01-31 22:06 來自香港莊秀羣有以下回應:



千寻 的評分: 5 (千寻 的個人網頁)

2004-02-20 02:15 來自中國千寻有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-20 13:02 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:



禮 的評分: 5 (禮 的個人網頁)

2004-02-18 16:46 來自香港有以下留言:


不知為什麼, 每天下午總是下雨,大約下了兩,三個小時...

另外雙子塔正在維修, 不能登上 -__-

但我有去Sunway Lagoon, 和去了
Mines Shopping Fair Hall,
又可吃到美味的榴槤 :P~~~~

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