2011-10-14 16:39 來自新加坡的bee-cbody有以下留言:
want to check anyone know the taxi price from Heho airport to Taungyi?
2011-10-13 21:00 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
2011-09-27 09:48 來自台灣的Alen有以下留言:
2011-09-22 18:55 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
2011-09-22 16:36 來自台灣的Julie有以下回應:
2011-09-05 18:49 來自新加坡的matthew有以下留言:
hi, i saw yr post, me from singapore, saw tht you had come to singapore for tour, next time you should try the malay food and indian food, singapore is a mix race and we live in harmony, u can email me if you need information for SG, msia, thai(Phuket,bangkok),Vietnam(Dalat)
2011-09-06 01:02 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Thanks! My SG trip planning was not very good. Hopes I can have better experience in my next visit.
2011-08-12 11:45 來自台灣的Ashley有以下留言:
Hi 您好 我25號要去巴里島 主要去Ubud. 想花幾天去Central Java的婆羅浮屠. 請問可以提供一些行程交通住宿建議嗎? 我去巴里島很多次很熟 但沒去過Java. 謝謝
2011-08-12 18:43 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Felicia - Malaysia 的評分: 5 (Felicia - Malaysia 的個人網頁)
2011-06-26 20:06 來自馬來西亞的Felicia - Malaysia 有以下留言:
Hi, Suddenly clicked in ur blog here and thank you so much to share with ur your blog all the travel information too...
i will be in vietnam - Hanoi on next week - 02-07-2011 - 07-07-2011 - total 6 days 5 nights...
Allow me to share with you here , my blog too ...do feel free and have a walk there..
Kei 的評分: 5
2011-05-11 23:12 來自香港的Kei有以下留言:
Hello, I would like to visit Hanoi in end of this month. It seems that taxi drivers there are not honest enough. How about the local travel agent ? I am going to book a local tour to Hai Long Bay. Any reliable local travel agent in Hanoi you can recommend ? Thank you so much!
2011-05-12 00:40 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
"Sigh Cafe Travel" is arguably the most famous brand among travel agents in Hanoi. The problem is there are dozens of so called "Sigh Cafe Travel" in Hanoi. They are not belong to the same group and unrelated to the genuine "Sigh Cafe Travel" (not sure whether there is a "genuine" indeed). We asked a taxi driver to send us to "Sigh Cafe Travel" and was dropped off outside a small hotel called "Sunrise Hotel".
Finally, nearly all our tickets and tours in Vietnam were booked through a likely faked "Sigh Cafe Travel" there. I have no complaint though and it delivered what it should deliver. It has a web (www.indochinaadventuretravel.com) but inaccessible now, not sure whether it still exists. If you will stay in Hanoi, another way is to book through your hotel.
2011-05-01 10:30 來自香港的<站長>有以下留言:
Kwok Wai Kei 的評分: 5
2011-05-05 14:37 來自香港的Kwok Wai Kei有以下回應:
Congratulation! I shall go to visit Hanoi and HaLong Bay for leisure. Have referred to your itenary. Thank you! Where will be your next trip?
2011-05-05 23:31 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
Long time no chat. Surprise to see your message here. Situation was very bad since last year. My only longer trip (10 days) in 2010 and 2011 was my Sarawak trip in last May! Hope situation will resume normal in July/August and no travel plan yet.
Wish you an enjoyable trip!
Kwok Wai Kei 的評分: 5
2011-05-15 07:21 來自香港的Kwok Wai Kei有以下回應:
Ok la, you still have visited so many new places. See if I can join one of them in this year. My availability should be better this year. Only need to consider body's situation.
玖薇子 的評分: 5
2011-05-26 23:14 寫上來自Malaysia的玖薇子有以下回應:
Alen 的評分: 5
2011-04-07 01:03 來自台灣的Alen有以下留言:
2011-04-07 15:14 來自香港的<站長>有以下回應:
緬幣分官方和黑市兩個匯率,你說的倍數差價應是指這個。基本上沒有遊客會用官方匯率的(剛查到的差距是 137 偣!),我當時是向旅館或旅行社換錢,用的都是黑市價。雖然黑市匯率之間會略有不同,但我想差距應在幾%之內。這個網頁的匯率可作參考:www.unido.org/Data/Country/Exchange.cfm?c=MYA
Christina Lin 的評分: 5
2011-02-16 16:17 來自台灣的Christina Lin有以下留言:
版主您好 ~ 我是緬甸華僑, 來台居住已經很多年了, 每年還是會回去1-2次, 對緬甸是滿有感情的,看了您對緬甸的照片和敘述,好感動 , 照片照的真好 , 文字敘述的也很棒, 很感謝您如此熱心的整理 ....基本上, 我個人很喜歡 Traders Hotel , 常會去吃, 住 , 用台幣算是很便宜的了, 又是五星級,且在市中心...看到各國人留言在問 USD的事, 仰光機場稅是收每人USD10的,且要 乾淨無摺痕的,愈新愈好.這幾年已沒有被機場海關索錢的經驗 ,所以大家可安心去玩. 但在著名寺廟是向外國觀光客收錢的 , 大約每人USD5 ~ USD10不等, 我也常被廟方人員來問 是不是外國人?或用緬甸話考你現在幾點了? ...等等. 有點啼笑皆非的感覺.
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